Sunday, August 13, 2006

Vincenzo Silvestroni short history - part 1

The father of my mother was called Vincenzo and was a truck driver. He died in a truck crash about one year after my birth. Because of this death, my father and my mother get married and had me the soonest possible. My grand mother told me all the time I have her husband’s eyes. The father of my father was a builder of houses and factories. He had up till 500 employes.
By the way I became a musician.


vinsil said...

b y t h e w a y s t o c a z z o !!

vinsil said...

(mi son fatto il mio culo..)

! a g g i o r n a m e n t o ! E V E N T O !

INSoLITI VIAGGI A ZONA 4 (quattro) Febbraio Mataluna (Pub) Rossetta Alfonsine Ravenna Musica (forse c’è anche una cosa stranillima, che vi...